
I have at least two superpowers. One is the ability to generate (and evaluate) a lot of ideas, very rapidly. The other is the ability to bring things together and make them look fantastic. Taken together, these talents are the key inputs in my mixed media art practice.

Working from my vast reserve of aesthetic impulse and shockingly sparse inventory of inputs, I’ve uncovered unlimited joy in juxtaposing layer upon layer of color and cuttings. The fruits of this practice are treasured pieces of art for the contemporary collector.

Vibrant fine art prints that will light your walls up with color, texture, and sophistication.


I'm an emerging mixed media artist currently creating from the #tiburontreefort. My colorful works on paper layer acrylic paint on acetate with cut paper scraps. Featuring an average of 7-12 layers each, these organic juxtapositions represent the multiple layers within all of us.

6x8” on 184 lb paper
july 2023


  • My work is a combination of watercolor, acrylic (typically on acetate), assorted paper, and cuttings from old books. Most works will include 8-14 (or more) layers.

  • The process can be slow, but the assembly is very fast. Every color is a bespoke blend of acrylic paint. When the painted layers are dry, the acetate sheets are hand cut. Books are browsed for exactly the right color and texture image, then cut (and sometimes re-cut). Typically a layout will take less than 10 minutes, but the process to collect the right raw inputs may have spanned days.

  • Typically, just a color.

  • I name pieces based on lyrics from music that reference places or emotions that come to mind for me when I observe the finished piece. The playlist of all songs that inspired the names of my work is here.